Reporting damp or mould

Tell us if you're struggling with damp or mould

If you're finding it hard to keep on top of damp or mould, and need help from us to keep your home happy and healthy, you're in the right place.

Fill in the form below, including photos if you can, so we can give our experts plenty of detail and help resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Report damp or mould
Details of the issue

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More info on damp & mould

Most of the time, damp and mould are the result of an increase in condensation – moisture can build up in the air around your windows as the weather gets chilly. And there are a few simple changes you can make to your everyday routine that might help keep it under control.

We're here to help

To talk to us about anything, including damp and mould, heating your home, updates to your household or anything else, we're here to help. You can talk with us on live chat, call us on 0808 168 4555 or send an enquiry via email.